Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lovely day in Georgia for July 3rd - temps in the high 60s at 6:00 this morning...I wandered out the door with the terriers and aussie to feed Witchy and Stormy, so wierd to not look forward to running or riding today. I'm well enough from the broken neck event to start getting my riding legs and BACK back into riding shape, but no horse to do it on. Witchy is NOT appropriate no matter how sweet she "might" be after 18 months of no work and Buddy is out happily grazing on the other side of the rainbow bridge...sigh. Though I'm still 4 weeks out from the date I can start running again, I COULD be faking it a bit if my orthotics weren't sitting in NY awaiting reposting and rebuilding...I put this off as long as I can as it takes WEEKS to get them there and back - ACK! Plus, my hip and knee stay achy the entire, I'm out of sorts in some ways, happy as 40 hells in others. Kids coming to visit, lake tomorrow for the 4th and maybe today too...

Teaching has turned a corner this summer as I spent lots of time reading and thinking and talking about teacher development through the long unused-by-me lens of culturally relevant pedagogy - I'd personally add culturally EQUITABLE to that descriptor. More on that later as the love of my life has pulled himself out of bed. Billy so loves to sleep late. I have to giggle but treasure all those weeks following my accident that he got up early, fed, and then drove me to work...I took over that job the very next day after the halo was unscrewed from my head - I don't know who was happier, me or Billy - hahahahhaha!